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Your Sourdough Fermentation Process


The use of sourdough as a natural starter for leavening goods is considered one of the oldest
biotechnological processes in food fermentation [1]. Sourdough is a mixture of flour (here
organic brown rice) that is fermented by naturally occurring microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria and yeasts) [2]. It’s a unique food ecosystem that is adapted to the environment.
Beyond being natural and additive-free, sourdough fermentation has various positive effects
compared to other leavening agents, such as baker’s yeast [3]. It improves texture, flavor, shelf life, and nutritional value in a dramatic way [3].
Sourdough fermentation allows the starch hydrolysis, which retards bread staling and reduces
the glycemic index, making it very digestible, healthy, and particularly interesting for diabetic
people [4].
During sourdough bread fermentation, the microorganisms exhibit phytase activity that degrades phytic acid, an anti-nutrient, freeing precious micronutrients (such as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese) and making those minerals bioavailable [5].
Protein degradation during sourdough fermentation is another key phenomenon that affects the overall quality of sourdough bread [6]. It reduces potential protein toxicity and enhances digestibility as proteins are turned into bioavailable free amino acids compared to the baker’s
yeast process.


Our Sourdough Ingredients

Our bread uses simple, organic ingredients thoughtfully selected to be both nutritious and

Filtered Water:
Water plays an active role in the fermentation process, helping yeast and bacteria thrive.
Chlorine and other chemicals in tap water can disrupt fermentation. Using filtered water reduces these hindrances, creating an ideal environment for the starter.

Brown Rice Flour:
Brown rice retains its bran layers, which contain essential amino acids, fiber, minerals, and flavonoids, making it a highly nutritious, high-fiber food [7].

Chickpea Flour:

Chickpeas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, including manganese and folate, along
with fiber and protein [8].

Ingredients Continued 

Brown Rice and Chickpea Combination: 

Combining brown rice and chickpea flours brings all the essential amino acids needed to build complete proteins [9].


Chia Seeds: 

Chia seeds offer protein, omega-3s, and soluble fiber, contributing to reduced glycemic index and overall improved nutritional quality [10].


Sea Salt: 

Harvested using eco-friendly methods, sea salt contains essential trace minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium that contribute to health and flavor [11].

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